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Compute Engine - gcloud Commands


You can use 'gcloud' command-line tool to create and manage Google Compute Engine resources.

  • Set your Project as default in which you want to create Compute Engine instance

Qwiklabs Access

Qwiklabs for Google Cloud Platform labs 

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  • Qwkilabs  provides you access to the Google Cloud environment so that you can perform hands-on activities and understand GCP services in more detail.

  • You can get one month free access to Qwiklabs Google Cloud Platform labs by using below steps - 

Google Cloud Free Trial Account Creation

  • Google provides you to create a Free Trial Google Account with a credit limit of $300 which is valid to be used for 90 days.

Google Services Outage

Google has such a great infrastructure and wide network connectivity across the world. But today 14-Dec-2020, there was an outage in Gmail, YouTube and few other Google services as well for some time. It is restored now. 

During this downtime- so many messages float on internet that why Gmail is not working or YouTube is not working.  
This outage was not usual, but it happened.  This downtime caused worry in few people as they thought that there is some problem with their Gmail account. 

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • Google Cloud Bigtable is a fully-managed NoSQL database service. It is key-value store type of NoSQL database.
  • Cloud Bigtable is used for large analytical and operational workloads
  • Cloud Bigtable is ideal for storing very large amount of data in a key-value store.

GCP - Compute Engine - Pricing Options

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There are multiple ways how you can get discounts while using Compute Engine instances. To get the discounts, it's important to understand the pricing structure for Google Compute Engine.

  • The billing for Compute Engine instances is done for each resources used in the instance. For example, each vCPU and each GB of memory used in the Compute Engine instance is billed separately.

GCP - Google Compute Engine - Disks Options

Boot Disks

  • These are block storage volumes attached to the  Google Compute Engine instances on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  • This is the root volume where your images is loaded once you boot the VM instance.

GCP - Compute Engine


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What is Google Compute Engine? 

  • Google Compute Engine (GCE) is a Virtual Machine which is created on the Google Cloud Infrastructure.

GCP - Google Compute Engine - Machine Type

What is Machine Type?

  • Machine Type is a template of virtualized hardware resources needed to instantiate the Google Compute Engine instances on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The template contains resources like memory, virtual CPU, persistent disk storage.

GCP - Compute Engine - Images


  • While creating a Compute Engine instance on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), you can choose Image.

Encryption at Rest in Storage Systems in GCP

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As part of the security features, Google Cloud Platform encrypts all the data in all storage system. The data is encrypted before storing it in the storage system.

GCP - Cloud Storage gsutil Commands

Why to Learn gsutil Command?

  • In the GCP certification exam, there will be few questions based on the gsutil commands. 
  • If you are working on Google Cloud projects, then also you should be knowing about these commands as these are faster way to work on Cloud Storage.

What is gsutil?

gsutil is a Command-line tool to work with Google Cloud Storage through CLI. You can install Google Cloud SDK and other command-line tools on your system like gcloud, gsutil and kubectl

Database Basics with Joins and Unions

Most of the people coming from different technical and educational background when they start their Data Science journey they may face problems in understanding databases. For example, what is database? What is Primary key? What are different types of tables like Transaction table and Reference table? What are different types of  joins? What are different types of Data? What is Data Warehousing? What is Data Lake? What is  Data Mining, etc.?

This is a series of articles where we will have crisp and concise contents to cover all these aspects so that you are able to start your Data Science journey

Cloud Computing Use Cases

Since last few years, Cloud Computing has  gained lots of popularity. It has been adopted by IT companies across different industries.  Organisations dealing with big data, data science and machine learning have also adopted Cloud Computing due to its infrastructural & other benefits.  That's the reason why most of the people now are focusing towards growing their career in cloud computing.

Most of the people who are completely new to cloud computing - start their cloud journey by directly learning cloud services of any cloud provider. 

Even after learning the services, when they attempt to solve scenario-based problems, they are mostly unable to do so.  Do you know why?

Are You Learning The Right Way

Are you planning for learning a new skill or doing a certification? Check if your learning path is optimized to give you the maximum benefit of your hard work and time which you will spend in learning the new skill.

Read the article Are You Learning the Right Way on LinkedIn by me. This will give you a

Training Offerings

ArchitectureSimplified Training Offerings 

ArchitectureSimplified provides training on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

ArchitectureSimplified has designed various courses depending on different level of Cloud understanding of audience -

Absolute Beginner to Cloud

If you are completely new to Cloud, this course is for you. Architecture Simplified provides free training on Cloud Computing. Look into the space to get more details of FREE Cloud Computing training.

New to AWS Cloud

If you have basic Cloud Computing understanding and want to explore Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud so that you can start taking up AWS Cloud assignments at work, then "AWS Foundation Course" is apt for you.

AWS Solution Architect Exam Aspirant 

If you have basic understanding of AWS Cloud and aspire to become AWS Solution Architect certified, then "AWS Advanced Architecture Course for Solution Architect Exam" course will be a great help for you. If you aspire for AWS Certification Exam, you must understand

Attend Free Cloud Computing Training Online || ArchitectureSimplified

Enhance Skills || Attend Free Online Cloud Computing training 

Corona Virus!!! Offices are closed or provided Work From Home! Can't go anywhere out for a vacation! Want to avoid going to public places. Not sure what to do in this case??

This is the time which you can utilize in learning new technologies. Are you still thinking that Why spend time in learning new technologies ??

Are you new to Cloud Computing?? Or, preparing for any of the Cloud Computing certification??
So, here is the opportunity - ArchitectureSimplified provides training on Cloud Computing for FREE online.

Looking for Cloud Certification || AWS Certification?? || Google Cloud Certification??

Looking for Cloud Certification || 

AWS Certification?? || Google Cloud Certification??

Still thinking that why it is important to upgrade in new technologies?? Refer the article Why Upgrading in New Technologies So Important Now?

Organizations are moving towards Cloud adoption. There are many Cloud providers but AWS (Amazon Web Services), GCP (Google Cloud Platform) and Azure are among the top choices, in terms of services used across organizations. If you want to build your career in Cloud, you need to start ASAP. It's been few years when organizations started transforming their digital journey to the Cloud. There are still many organizations which are still on their way to cloud adoption. So, this is the right time to take a step towards Cloud, if you have not taken so far.

I completed below Cloud certifications -
  • AWS Solution Architect certification in Jan-2019
  • Google Cloud - Professional Cloud Architect certification in Jan-2020
Based on my experience, I am sharing the pointers which may help you in completing the AWS / GCP certification. If you are looking for any of the certification then it is very important that you understand below points -

Role of a Data Engineer

Role of a Data Engineer

a Data Engineer is to build data pipelines. Data engineers build data pipelines so that the data can be used for below purposes -
  • displaying data in the form of chart &  graphs on dashboard to get quick insights
  • generating reports for management to take decisions
  • generating Machine Learning model for businesses to make data-driven decisions.

Data in the current world comes from many sources like web pages, applications' databases, social media, files, videos, images etc. The data is in different formats.

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How to Prepare for GCP Certification?

Are you new to Google Cloud and not sure how to start on it? Are you looking for Google Cloud Certification and not sure how to prepare f...