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Attend Free Cloud Computing Training Online || ArchitectureSimplified

Enhance Skills || Attend Free Online Cloud Computing training 

Corona Virus!!! Offices are closed or provided Work From Home! Can't go anywhere out for a vacation! Want to avoid going to public places. Not sure what to do in this case??

This is the time which you can utilize in learning new technologies. Are you still thinking that Why spend time in learning new technologies ??

Are you new to Cloud Computing?? Or, preparing for any of the Cloud Computing certification??
So, here is the opportunity - ArchitectureSimplified provides training on Cloud Computing for FREE online.

Looking for Cloud Certification || AWS Certification?? || Google Cloud Certification??

Looking for Cloud Certification || 

AWS Certification?? || Google Cloud Certification??

Still thinking that why it is important to upgrade in new technologies?? Refer the article Why Upgrading in New Technologies So Important Now?

Organizations are moving towards Cloud adoption. There are many Cloud providers but AWS (Amazon Web Services), GCP (Google Cloud Platform) and Azure are among the top choices, in terms of services used across organizations. If you want to build your career in Cloud, you need to start ASAP. It's been few years when organizations started transforming their digital journey to the Cloud. There are still many organizations which are still on their way to cloud adoption. So, this is the right time to take a step towards Cloud, if you have not taken so far.

I completed below Cloud certifications -
  • AWS Solution Architect certification in Jan-2019
  • Google Cloud - Professional Cloud Architect certification in Jan-2020
Based on my experience, I am sharing the pointers which may help you in completing the AWS / GCP certification. If you are looking for any of the certification then it is very important that you understand below points -

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How to Prepare for GCP Certification?

Are you new to Google Cloud and not sure how to start on it? Are you looking for Google Cloud Certification and not sure how to prepare f...